As we look ahead to 2023 it is time for the Nominations Committee (our current Board of Directors) to prepare a Slate of Board Officers for the Membership’s consideration. If you would like to play a role in the leadership of Move Colorado, please contact us, no later than October 24, to share your interest with the Nominating Committee.
The Chair of Move Colorado’s Board of Directors works with the Executive Director and other staff to ensure the sound management of the organization and its effectiveness in meeting its mission. Duties may include:
- Presiding at Board meetings, after developing the agenda with the Executive Director.
- Discussing issues confronting the organization with the Executive Director.
- Encouraging Board’s role in strategic planning and annual evaluation.
- Helping guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
- Reviewing with the Chief Executive any issues of concern to the Board.
- Monitoring financial planning and financial reports with the Treasurer and staff.
- Playing a leading role in fundraising activities.
- Leading the formal evaluation of the Executive Director’s performance and informally evaluates the effectiveness of the Board members.
- Appointing the chairpersons of committees, in consultation with other Board members.
- Serving ex officio as a member of committees and attends their meetings when invited.
Vice Chair
The Vice Chair of Move Colorado’s Board of Directors supports the Chair and is slated as the successor to the Chair position. Duties may include:
- Performing Chair responsibilities when the Chair cannot be available (see Chair Job Description)
- Working closely with the Chair and other staff.
- Participating closely with the Chair to develop and implement officer transition plans.
The Secretary of Move Colorado’s Board of Directors ensures the smooth operations of the Board with the support of the Executive Director and other staff. Duties may include:
- Working with staff to manage and maintain records.
- Reviewing and sharing board meeting minutes.
- Developing a familiarity with the organization’s legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings.
The Secretary of Move Colorado’s Board of Directors ensures the financial health of the organization with the support of the Executive Director and other staff. Duties may include:
- Working with staff to prepare and present financial reports at Board meetings and communicating effectively with the Board about financial issues
- Engaging in annual budget process with support from Executive Director and other staff.
- Ensuring development of financial policies and procedures.
- Reviewing annual audit and presenting it to the Board.
- Chairing the Finance Committee.
Members-at-Large of Move Colorado’s Board of Directors serve as liaisons between the membership and the Board. Duties may include:
- Attending all board meetings.
- Participating in committees.
- Other duties, as assigned by the Chair.
Meeting Frequency
- Monthly Board of Directors meeting (60 minutes, third Tuesday of the month at 3:30 PM)
- Executive Committee meeting (Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer only; as called by the Chair)
- Each Executive Committee member is expected to serve on at least one committee