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Colorado: We’re All in This Together.

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Work. School. Errands. Doctor’s Appointments. Vacation. Play. What is the thread that ties all of these activities together? Your transportation system. Be it driving your car, taking the bus or light rail, riding your bike, walking, or flying to some exotic locale – what gets you there is infrastructure.

For more than 25 years Move Colorado, an organization of committed transportation funding advocates, has been at the forefront of the policy debate regarding how best to increase financial resources to support our vast and diverse transportation system.

Move Colorado: Committed to the Future

Move Colorado is not a lobbying organization; it is an organization of private industry affiliates that strives to provide information; sponsor education programs; and work with community, business, and political leaders to improve Colorado’s transportation funding outlook. With input from the larger membership, the Executive Board updated the Mission and Vision Statements for Move Colorado and created Committees to focus on specific goals and tasks:

Near-Term Mission

Advocate for sustainable financial solutions, an informed state legislature, and industry collaboration to promote a multi-modal transportation system that is safe, reliable, economically viable and improves quality of life for all Colorado citizens.

Long-Term Vision

To maintain and enhance the quality of life for current and future citizens of Colorado through an efficient, connected, resilient, and sustainable multi-modal system.

Transportation Benefits Everyone

Our Challenge

Our Future

Bridge Across the Colorado River

Bridges Maintained


Lane Miles Repaired


Lane Miles Plowed


Mountain Passes Kept Open

Congested roads cost Colorado drivers $3.5 billion in lost time and wasted fuel.
Source: March 2021 Colorado TRIP Report
1.1 million jobs in Colorado depend on the health of the state’s transportation network.
Source: March 2021 Colorado TRIP Report

Did You Know: Colorado Transportation Facts

Colorado ranks 47th in rural road conditions in the country.

Source: Reason Foundation via CDOT 10 year vision