Every other week during the 120 day session of the Colorado General Assembly the Move Colorado Policy Committee meets and reviews proposed legislation that intersects with transportation. Recommendations to support or oppose a measure will be made to the Board of Directors. The Board will review and take action within 72 hours, with positions published following their deliberation.
Click the bill name for a PDF summary.
HB 1313 – Housing in Transit Oriented Communities
Bill Summary: Section 1 of the bill establishes a category of local government: A transit-oriented community. As defined in the bill, a transit-oriented community is either a local government that: Is entirely within a metropolitan planning… Click here to read more.
Rationale: Move Colorado opposes the legislation as introduced as it penalizes noncompliant local governments by requiring that they forfeit their state allocation of funding from the Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF). HUTF dollars are allocated based on a formula and are not, and should not be, tied to state housing policy.
HB 1464 – Designation of Highway Work Zones
Bill Summary: Under current law, if maintenance, repair, or construction activities are occurring or will occur within 4 hours on a portion of a state highway, the Colorado department of transportation (department) is permitted, but not… Click here to read more.
Our Rationale: Safety of construction workers and motorists is of the utmost importance. Requiring areas where work is designated as active construction zones is common sense.
With Amendment –HB 1447 – Transit Reform
Bill Summary: The bill makes modifications to several aspects of the regional transportation district (district), including modifications to increase transit ridership and to promote district transparency and accountability. Regional fixed… Click here to read more.
Rationale: Move Colorado supports a proposed amendment that would send the RTD governance discussion to an Interim Committee. We believe the remainder of the legislation should be dropped from consideration until the governance review has been completed. As crafted, the bill strips RTD of much of its ability to serve its riders in the District. In addition, many aspects of the legislation are duplicative of processes that are already in place or planning work that has already been completed.
With Amendment – SB24-32 – Methods to Increase the Use of Transit
Bill Summary: Transportation Legislation Review Committee. Statewide transit pass exploratory committee. Section 1 of the bill creates the statewide transit pass exploratory committee (committee) within the department of transportation (department) to produce a viable proposal for the creation, implementation, and administration of a statewide transit pass. The committee is required to meet as necessary to produce a viable proposal by July 1, 2026, with the goal of implementing a statewide transit… Click here to read more.
Rationale: Adequate funding is required for the programs outlined in the legislation to be successful.
Level of Engagement: Share position of support with sponsor(s). Letter of support for proposed amendment regarding RTA Lodging Tax.
As Amended – HB24-1012 – Front Range Passenger Rail District Efficiency
Bill Summary: To improve the operational efficiency of the front range passenger rail district (district):
- Section 1 of the bill replaces the requirement that the board of the district (board) hold annual joint meetings with the transportation commission, the board of directors of the I-70 coalition or any successor entity… Click here to read more.
Rationale: The legislation as it moves from the House to the Senate is a clean-up bill focusing on the operations of the District. Concerns exist that other items could be attached that may be problematic, making it difficult for the original intent of the legislation to occur.
Level of Engagement: Share position of support with sponsor(s), allow use of Move Colorado’s name.